oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

frases hechas reported speech - pendientes 1º (3) questions

Traducir las siguientes frases poniéndolas en estilo directo e indirecto.

- Tú me dijiste: "¿le besa ella a él?"
You said to me: "does she kiss him?"
You asked me if she kissed him

- Tú me dijiste: "¿por qué le besa ella a él?"
You said to me: "why does she kiss him?"
You asked me why she kissed him
- Tú me dijiste: "¿cómo le besa ella a él?"
You said to me: "how does she kiss him?"
You asked me how she kissed him
- Ella me dijo: "¿Te lo venderé?"
She told me: "Will I sell you it?"
She asked me if she would sell me it

- Ella me dijo: "¿cuándo te lo venderé?"
She told me: "When will I sell you it?"
She asked me when she would sell me it
- Ella me dijo: "¿dónde te lo venderé?" 
She told me: "Where will I sell you it?"
She asked me where she would sell me it
- Yo te pregunté: "¿está cantando ella la canción?"
I asked you: "is she singing the song?"
I asked you if she was singing the song

- Yo te pregunté: "¿dónde está cantando ella la canción?"
I asked you: "where is she singing the song?"
I asked you where she was singing the song
- Yo te pregunté: "¿cuándo está cantando ella la canción?" 
I asked you: "when is she singing the song?"
I asked you when she was singing the song
- Él me dijo: "¿hemos visitado muchos países?"
He told me: "Have we visited many countries?"
He asked me if they had visited many countries

- Él me dijo: "¿cuándo hemos visitado muchos países?"
He told me: "when have we visited many countries?"
He asked me when they had visited many countries
- Él me dijo: "¿por qué hemos visitado muchos países?"
He told me: "why have we visited many countries?"
He asked me why they had visited many countries
- Ellos preguntaron: "¿abrieron nuestros hijos los regalos?"
they asked: "did our sons open the presents?"
they asked if our sons had opened the presents

- Ellos preguntaron: "¿cómo abrieron nuestros hijos los regalos?"
they asked: "how did our sons open the presents?"
they asked how our sons had opened the presents
- Ellos preguntaron: "¿dónde abrieron nuestros hijos los regalos?" 
they asked: "where did our sons open the presents?"
they asked where our sons had opened the presents