oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

frases hechas condicionales - pendientes 1º

Traducir las siguientes frases poniéndolas en 1º, 2º y 3º condicional.
si yo mato una araña estaré triste
If I kill a spider I will be sad
If I killed a spider I would be sad
If I had killed a spider I would have been sad

Si tú divides el pastel, no comeré mucho
If you divide the cake I will not eat a lot
If you divided the cake I would not eat a lot
If you had divided the cake I would not have eaten a lot

Si él bebe aquel vaso de vino no beberá agua
If he drinks that glass of wine he will not drink water
If he drank that glass of wine he would not drink water
If he had drunk that glass of wine he would not have drunk water

Ella planchará la camisa si se la compra
She will iron the shirt if she buys it
She would iron the shirt if she bought it
She would have ironed the shirt if she had bought it

Nosotros os lo mejoramos si nos lo dais
We will improve you it if you give us it
We would improve you it if you gave us it
We would have improved you it if you had given us it

Se (a ella) las envían si las pagan
They will send her them if they pay them
They would send her them if they paid them
They would have sent her them if they had paid them

Si nos las reparan, las usaremos
If they repair us them we will use them
If they repaired us them we would use them
If they had repaired us them we would have used them