oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

frases hechas condicionales pendientes 1º - 2ª convocatoria (22-3-11)

Si rompemos un cristal lo repararemos
If we break a glass we will repair it
If we broke a glass we would repair it
If we had broken a glass we would have repaired it

Si las traeis las comeremos
If you bring them we will eat them
If you brought them we would eat them
If you had brought them we would have eaten them

Si mi madre quema la camisa me comprará otra
If my mother burns a shirt she will buy me another one
If my mother burnt a shirt she would buy me another one
If my mother had burnt a shirt she would have bought me another one

Si las mujeres construyen aquella casa será bonita
If the women build that house it will be beautiful
If the women built that house it would be beautiful
If the women had built that house it would have been beautiful

Iré al cine si la película empieza a las nueve.
I will go to the cinema if the film starts at nine
I would go to the cinema if the film started at nine
I would have gone to the cinema if the film had started at nine

Llegaré allí si camino rápido
I will arrive there if I walk fast
I would arrive there if I walked fast
I would have arrived there if I had walked fast

Ella ganará mucho si apuesta mucho dinero
She will earn a lot if she bets a lot of money
She would earn a lot if she bet a lot of money
She would have earned a lot if she had bet a lot of money

No comprarás billetes de avión si tú reparas el coche
You will not buy plane tickets if you repair the car
You would not buy plane tickets if you repaired the car
You would not have bought plane tickets if you had repaired the car