oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010


1º Bachillerato - Examen Final Ordinaria - "lo que entra"

El examen tendrá 4 preguntas:

  • 1 pregunta con frases de voz pasiva
  • 1 pregunta con frases de los 3 tipos de condicional
  • 1 pregunta con frases de "reported speech" (declarativas, imperativas, interrogativas)
  • 1 pregunta para poner frases en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en los siguientes tiempos verbales: presente simple, presente continuo, futuro simple, pasado simple y presente perfecto.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


El listado de alumnos/as que tienen que presentarse al examen de final ordinaria (lunes, 24 de mayo a las 8'00) quedará expuesto en el tablón de anuncios del aula a partir del viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010, a las 8'00.
* (por privacidad de datos no se puede hacer pública esa información en este blog)

Para dudas o consultas de cara al examen de final ordinaria, contacta.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

repaso reported speech - FRASES - interrogativas

* si tienes dudas, contacta.

  •  "Can they play the piano?" she asked. 
  •  "Has Sarah ever been to Siena?" he asked. 
  •  "Are they French or Canadian?," asked Charlie.
  •  "Where do bears live?" asked George.
  •  "Who wants some more yoghurt ice cream?" asked Mum.
  •  "Are we going out tonight?" asked Bob.
  •  "Can I use your mobile, John?" asked Sarah.
  •  "Have you ever been to Lisbon?" Luis asked Paul.
  •  "What has Daddy made for dinner?" asked Simon.
  •  "Is the Pope a Catholic?," asked JK.
  •  "Who won the match?" asked Monica.
  •  "Have you fed the cat yet, Philip?" asked Letizia.
  •  "How much does it cost?" asked Carlos.
  •  "Do you like fried eggs?" Anne asked David.

repaso reported speech - interrogativas

* los cambios de los tiempos verbales son iguales que en las declarativas (unidad 7)
** en las interrogativas indirectas el orden de las palabras es como en las oraciones declarativas y no como en las preguntas. Por tanto, después del wh- question o el if se pone el sujeto y después el verbo
*** las interrogativas indirectas no llevan signo de interrogación al final
**** aunque en las directas el verbo introductor sea  said o told, en indirecto se pone asked o asked + (me, you, etc)

- Hay 2 tipos: Wh- questions y Yes / No questions

 Wh- questions: en las indirectas, después del verbo introductorio se pone el pronombre interrogativo (what, when, etc) + sujeto + verbo (no lleva ? )
(directo) He said to me: " What are you doing?"
(indirecto) He asked me what I was doing.

Yes / No questions: en las indirectas, después del verbo introductorio se pone if (o whether) + sujeto + verbo (no lleva ?
(directo) He said to me: " Are you happy?"
(indirecto) He asked me if I was happy.


repaso reported speech - FRASES - órdenes / imperativas

* si tienes dudas, contacta.
  •  "Shut up, everybody!" said the teacher.
  •  "Open the window, Robert," said Jane.
  •  "Phone your granny," she told him.
  •  "Don't be late," she warned him.
  •  "Don't talk to strangers, Michael," said his mother.
  •  "Don't listen to a word he says," she told me.
  •  "Clare, help me clean up the kitchen," said Tony.
  •  "Fiona, get out of my way," said Alastair.
  •  "Boys! Stay away from the dog when he's eating," said Dad.
  •  "Minnie, don't scratch the sofa," said Bob.
  •  "Carla, don't pick your nose in class," said the teacher.
  •  "Look after your sister," said my father.
  •  "Break a leg, Oliver," said the actor.
  •  "Lionel, eat your meat," said Elsa.

repaso reported speech - órdenes / imperativas

- en las órdenes indirectas se pone TO antes del verbo
(directo) He said to him: "go out"
(indirecto) He told him TO go out

- en las órdenes indirectas negativas se pone NOT TO  antes del verbo
(directo) He said to him: "Don't go out"
(indirecto) He told him NOT TO go out

En el verbo principal no hay más cambios, cosa que sí ocurre en las declarativas e interrogativas.

repaso reported speech - FRASES - declarativas

* si tienes dudas, contacta.
  1.  "It's raining," she said.
  2.  He said to her, "I love you."
  3.  "I saw María in the supermarket yesterday," said  Carlos.
  4.  "We've lived here for three years," he said.
  5.  "I'll bring a pasta salad," said Francesca.
  6.  "Mark's going to install solar panels," said Miranda.
  7.  "They found gold here," said the geology teacher.
  8.  "Jenny can't speak French," said Pierre.
  9.  "I first met my wife in Seville," he told us.
  10.  "I want your homework handed in by tomorrow," he said.
  11.  "My mother made these cakes," said Juan.
  12.  "I'm feeling tired now," said David.

repaso reported speech - declarativas

- si va entre comillas "..." es estilo directo (direct speech) -la frase tal cual se dijo, con las mismas palabras-

- si no va entre comillas es estilo indirecto (reported speech) -cuando contamos a alguien lo que otra persona ha dicho-

3 tipos: declarativas - imperativas - interrogativas

las declarativas - tienen los cambios que están en la gramática (tema 7).

En indirecto -en el verbo introductor- cuando se le dice algo a alguien, siempre se pone told. He told me. (aunque en directo ponga he said to me)

Si lía mucho lo del said y el told : (pequeño truco: cuando sea "dijo", traducir por "said" en directo e indirecto
ej: (directo) He said: "I am here". 
     (indirecto) He said he was there.

y cuando sea "dijo a alguien" siempre told + (me, you, him, etc)
ej: (directo) He told me: "I sleep well".
     (indirecto) He told me he slept well.




y mañana, para algunos/as el último examen de Inglés
(ojalá lo sea para la mayoría)



condicionales - ejemplos

si compras entradas irás al cine
1.- If you buy ticktes you will go to the cinema
2.- If you bought tickets you would go to the cinema
3.- If you had bought tickets you would have gone to the cinema

no viajaré si vienes
1.- I will not travel if you come
2.- I would not travel if you came
3.- I would not have travelled if you had come

si hablas no aprenderás
1.- If you speak you will not learn
2.- If you spoke you would not learn
3.- If you had spoken you would not have learnt

condicionales - frases

1.- If you study you will pass
si estudias aprobarás

2.- If you studied you would pass
si estudiaras aprobarías

3.- If you had studied you would have passed
si hubieras estudiado habrías aprobado

1.- If you eat too much you will get fat
si comes demasiado engordarás

2.- If you ate  too much you would get fat
si comieras demasiado engordarías

3.- If you had eaten too much you would have got fat
si hubieras comido demasiado habrías engordado

1.- If you sing it will rain
si cantas lloverá

2.- If you sang it would rain
si cantaras llovería

3.- If you had sung it  would have rained
si hubieras cantado habría llovido

condicionales esquema

1º.- IF + PRESENTE SIMPLE >>> WILL + V (infinitivo)

2º.- IF + PASADO SIMPLE >>> WOULD + V (infinitivo)

3º.- IF + PASADO PERFECTO >>> WOULD HAVE + V (participio)

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

voz pasiva - frases (4)

She breaks the table (ella rompe la mesa)
presente simple
(ella rompe la mesa) she breaks the table- the table is broken by her (la mesa es rota por ella)
she does not break the table - the table is not broken by her
does she break the table? - Is the table broken by her?

presente continuo
She is breaking the table - The table is being broken by her
She is not breaking the table - The table is not being broken by her
Is she breaking the table? - Is the table being broken by her?

futuro simple
She will break the table - The table will be broken by her
She will not break the table - The table will not be broken by her
Will she break the table? - Will the table be broken by her?

pasado simple
She broke the table - The table was broken by her
She did not break the table - The table was not broken by her
Did she break the table? - Was the table broken by her?

presente perfecto
She has broken the table - The table has been broken by her
She has not broken the table - The table has not been broken by her
Has she broken the table? - Has the table been broken by her?

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

2º - repaso final 3ª evaluación - BLA-BLA-BLA


only those who are able to distinguish between when to speak and when to be quiet
... will be listened and appreciated

only those who are able to listen to others
... will be able to learn new things 

only those who know what to do in each different situation
... will be competent

repaso final 3ª evaluación - unit 6


 voz pasiva
- María rompe la puerta
(activa)  Mary breaks the door
(pasiva) The door is broken by Mary

repaso final 3ª evaluación - unit 5


- Si Daniela estudia, aprenderá
1) If Daniela studies she will learn
2) If Daniela studied she would learn
3) If Daniela had studied she would have learnt

- Vendrás si quieres
1) You will come if you want
2) You would come if you wanted
3) You would have come if you had wanted

repaso final 3ª evaluación - unit 4


 pasado perfecto 
- Habíamos estado en el cine cuando vimos a María
We had been in the cinema when we saw Mary
We had not been in the cinema when we saw Mary
Had we been in the cinema when we saw Mary? (Yes, we had / No, we hadn't)

futuro simple 
- Jon vendrá con nosotros
Jon will come with us
Jon will not come with us
Will Jon come with us? (Yes, he will / No, he won't)

- Janire se enfadará con su profesor
Janire will get angry with her teacher
Janire will not get angry with her teacher
Will Janire get angry with her teacher? (Yes, she will / No, she won't)

futuro be going to + infinitivo 
- Os voy a ver el mes que viene
I am going to see you next month
I am not going to see you next month
Am I going to see you next month? (Yes, I am / No, I am not)

- Vas a aprobar si escribes y trabajas duro
You are going to pass if you write and work hard
You are not going to pass if you do not write and work hard
Are you going to pass if you write and work hard? (Yes, I am / No, I am not)

futuro continuo 
- Mañana, a las 3'15, estarás comiendo un bocadillo
Tomorrow, at a quarter past three, you will be eating a sandwich
Tomorrow, at a quarter past three, you will not be eating a sandwich
Tomorrow, at a quarter past three, will you be eating a sandwich? (Yes, I will / No, I won't)

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

2º - repaso final 3ª evaluación - Unit 2



- I have decided to study

- Let me go out

- I enjoy reading

- I like to play
- I like playing

- Stop to talk (para para hacer otra cosa: hablar)
- Stop talking (para de hablar)

2º - repaso final 3ª evaluación - Unit 1


 presente simple
- I go

presente continuo
- I am studying

- I have eaten chocolate

presente perfecto continuo
- I have been cooking

 pasado simple
- I ran in the park

pasado continuo
- I was listening to the hymn

pasado perfecto
- When I arrived the exam had started

futuro simple
- I will go to London

futuro con going to
- I am going to play football

futuro continuo
- I will be doing an exam

futuro perfecto
- I will have painted the room


- What a difficult exam!
- How difficult!

repaso final 3ª evaluación - Unit 3


 presente perfecto 
- He caminado durante dos horas
I have walked for two hours
I have not walked for two hours
Have I walked for two hours? (Yes, I have / No, I haven't)
presente perfecto continuo 
- Enara ha estado riendo demasiado
Enara has been laughing too much
Enara has not been laughing too much
Has Enara  been laughing too much? (Yes, she has / No, she hasn't)

repaso final 3ª evaluación - Unit 2


 pasado simple
- Anaís jugó en el parque
Anaís played in the park
Anaís did not play in the park
Did Anaís play in the park? (Yes, she did / No, she didn't)

pasado continuo
- Raquel estaba durmiendo en el parque
Raquel was sleeping in the park
Raquel was not sleeping in the park
Was Raquel sleeping in the park? (Yes, she was / No, she wasn't)
- Yo estaba comiendo un bocata
I was eating a sandwich
I was not eating a sandwich
Was I eating a sandwich? (Yes, I was / No, I wasn't)
- Estaba leyendo cuando sonó el teléfono
I was reading when the telephone rang
- Mientras estaba estudiando tú estabas cantando
While I was studying, you were singing

- at two o'clock
- in June
- on Monday
- at home
- in the garden
- on the table
- from 8'00 to 14'20
- until / till the next day
- for five years
- since 1999 
movimiento o dirección
- across the street
- along the road
- at the airport
- into the classroom
- through the window
- up and down the ladder

repaso final 3ª evaluación - unit 1


 presente simple
- Javi come un ladrillo
Javi eats a brick
Javi does not eat a brick
Does Javi eat a brick? (Yes, he does / No, he doesn't)

presente continuo
- María está cantando
Mary is singing
Mary is not singing
Is Mary singing? (Yes, she is / No, she isn't)

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

reported speech - frases

- Zulema asked him where he had been the previous week
Zulema asked him: "where were you last week?"

- I asked you if you had gone the previous day
I asked you: "Did you go yesterday?"

- I asked you why you had not eaten the previous night
I asked you: "Why did not you eat last night?"

unit 7 - 3 - reported questions

- Julia said to Andy, "Have you got any plans for tomorrow morning?"
Julia asked Andy if he had got any plans for the following morning

- Dean said to Jill, "Where did you go last Saturday?"
Dean asked Jill where she had gone the previous Saturday

Lorna said to her mother, "Do you want me to cook dinner tonight?"
Lorna asked her mother if she wanted her to cook dinner that night.

Sean said to me, "What time is it?"
Sean asked me what time it was

Edward said to her, "Can you swim?"
Edward asked her if she could swim

reported speech - sentences

Jon said to me: "We have won the match against Las Palmas 2-1".
Jon told me they had won the match against Las Palmas 2-1.

She said to me: "I will study hard for the exam"
She told me she would study hard for the exam

test sentences reported speech

- Tim said: "If I continue this diet I should lose twenty pounds by the end of..." 
Tim said that if he continued that diet he should lose twenty pounds by the end of...

- He said he was terribly sorry
He said: "I'm terribly sorry"

- He said to her: "I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't see you!"
He told her he had been so caught up in his thoughts he had not seen her

- She said: "It's OK. Nothing's broken... I wasn't watching my step either." 
She said it was OK, that nothing had/was broken. She had not been watching her step either.

- He asked her: "Don't I know you from somewhere?" 
He asked her if he did not know her from somewhere

- She said to him: "You're Tim, Jack's brother!"
She told him he was Tim, Jack's brother

- He said to her: "Why don't we have a cup of coffee and donut?"
He asked her why they did not have a cup of coffee and donut

- She said: "I thought you wanted to continue your diet!" 
She said she had thought he had wanted to continue his diet

2º bachillerato - examen unit 7 - lo que entra

2º bachillerato - examen jueves 6 de mayo a las 8'00

Unit 7
- Reported Speech (estilo indirecto)
   reported speech / reported commands / reported questions
- ejercicios de la unidad
- textos y vocabulario de la unidad
- frases y estructuras explicadas en clase
- libro de gramática de la unidad

1º bachillerato - examen unit 7 - lo que entra

1º bachillerato - examen miércoles 5 de mayo a las 12'30

Unit 7
- Reported Speech (estilo indirecto)
   reported speech / reported commands / reported questions
- ejercicios de la unidad
- textos y vocabulario de la unidad
- frases y estructuras explicadas en clase
- libro de gramática de la unidad