oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012


SI… = IF
A MENOS QUE...  A NO SER QUE... = UNLESS = "IF ... NOT" (unless con verbo afirmativo)

21.- si Xabi  no escribe, sus amigos no comprarán cosas con él.
A menos que Xabi escriba, sus amigos no comprarán cosas con él.

1) If Xabi does not write, his friends will not buy things with him.
1) UNLESS Xabi writeS, his friends will not buy things with him.

2) If Xabi did not write, his friends would not buy things with him.
2) UNLESS Xabi wrote, his friends would not buy things with him.

3) If Xabi had not written, his friends would not have bought things with him.
3) UNLESS Xabi had written, his friends would not have bought things with him.

1) If  you don’t study foreign languages, you will not be able to communicate with tourists
1) Unless you study foreign languages, you will not be able to communicate with tourists
2) If  you didn’t study foreign languages, you would not be able to communicate with tourists
2) Unless you studied foreign languages, you would not be able to communicate with tourists

3) If  you had not studied foreign languages, you would not have been able to communicate with tourists
3) Unless you had studied foreign languages, you would not have been able to communicate with tourists