Él dijo: mata una araña
He said: "kill a spider"
He said to kill a spider
Él dijo: no mates una araña
He said: "don't kill a spider"
He said not to kill a spider
Tú me dijiste:divide el pastel
You said to me: "divide the cake"
You told me to divide the cake
Tú me dijiste:no dividas el pastel
You said to me: don't divide the cake
You told me not to divide the cake
Yo te dije:bebe aquel vaso de vino
I said to you: "drink that glass of wine"
I told you to drink that glass of wine
Yo te dije:no bebas aquel vaso de vino
I said to you: "don't drink that glass of wine"
I told you not to drink that glass of wine