oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

frases hechas reported questions (wh-questions) pendientes 1º - 2ª convocatoria (22-3-11)

QUESTIONS (wh-question)

- Yo dije: "¿por qué está rota la mesa?".
I said: “why is the table broken?”
I asked why the table was broken.

- Tú me dijiste: "¿cuándo está comiendo tu hermano?".
You said to me: “when is your brother eating?”
You asked me when my brother was eating.

- Él dijo: "¿cuándo iré a verte?".
He said: “ when will I go to see you?”
He asked when he would go to see you.

- Ella dijo: "¿por qué fui a Londres ayer?".
She said: “why did I go to London yesterday?”
She asked why she had gone to London the day before

- Nosotros os dijimos: "¿cuándo os las hemos enviado?".
We said to you: “when have we sent you them?”
We asked you when we had sent you them

- Vosotros me dijisteis: " ¿cómo te lo podemos comprar?".
You said to me: “how can we buy you it?”
You asked me how you could buy me it.

- Ellas nos dijeron: "¿por qué os invitaremos?".
They said to us: “why will we invite you?”
They asked us why they would invite us

- Tú me preguntaste: "¿por qué será difícil el examen?".
You asked me: “why will the exam be difficult?”
You asked me why the exam would be difficult.

- Ella me preguntó: " ¿cuándo te lo puedo enseñar?".
She asked me: “when can I show you it?”
She asked me when she could show me it

- Yo os pregunté: "¿por qué vendréis?".
I asked you: “why will you come?”
I asked you why you would come