oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011




miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011




martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


En el momento que estén definidas las notas de la 3ª evaluación, se pondrá en el corcho del aula un listado de las personas que tienen que presentarse al examen de Convocatoria Ordinaria el próximo lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011 a las 8'55.

Cuando esté la lista en el corcho del aula, se anunciará en este blog. 

exam 3ª ev - B-2 (5)

5) Traduce las siguientes frases poniéndolas en los 3 tipos de condicional
- Si coges el tren no llegarás tarde
- If you take the train you will not be late
- If you took the train you would not be late
- If you had taken the train you would not have been late

- Estarás nerviosa si consigues una entrevista para el trabajo
- You will be nervous if you get an interview for the job
- You would be nervous if you got an interview for the job
- You would have been nervous if you had got an interview for the job

exam 3ª ev - B-2 (4)

4) Vuelve a escribir las frases empezando con las palabras dadas y manteniendo el mismo significado.
- The book was so amusing that I couldn’t help laughing.
It was… such an amusing book that I couldn’t help laughing.
- Although she was wealthy, she never gave money to any charities.
In spite of… her wealth, she never gave money to any charities.
- Despite his strong character, he used to be very polite.
Although… he had a strong character, he used to be very polite.
- We missed the train because the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam.
If the taxi…had not got stuck in a traffic jam, we would not have missed the train
- As it was very hot, we decided to go to the swimming-pool.
We decided… to go to the swimming pool because it was very hot

exam 3ª ev - B-2 (3)

3) escribe las frases en reported speech
- Charles said to us: “My flight is leaving tomorrow evening”.
Charles told us that his flight was leaving the following evening
- Donna said to me: “When did you meet my parents?”
Donna asked me when I had met her parents
- The teacher said to the students: “Please, tidy up before you leave the classroom”.
The teacher told the students to tidy up before they left the classroom
- Beth said to her brother: “Don’t disturb me now. I’m studying”.
Beth told her brother not to disturb her then because she was studying
- My father said, “I slept very badly last night”.
My father said that he had slept very badly the night before

exam 3ª ev - B-2 (2)

2) Pon las siguientes frases en voz pasiva
- they washed the streets after the festival
The streets were washed after the festival.
- Lewis Carroll wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll.
- Has the agency sent the flight tickets yet?
Have the flight tickets been sent by the agency yet?
- They asked her where her husband was
She was asked where her husband was.
- Nobody has given me any presents.
I have not been given any presents (by anybody)

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

defining non-defining sentences

Relative clauses - defining or non-defining?

I have three brothers.
My brother who lives in Sidney came to see me last month.
Without relative clause: My brother visited me last month.
As I have more than one brother, I must define which brother I am talking about.
My brother, who lives in Sidney, came to see me last month.

I have one sister.
My sister who is 25 years old spent her holiday in France.
My sister, who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France. 
Without relative clause: My sister spent her holiday in France.
As I only have one sister, I need not define which sister I am talking about.

Bob's mum has lost her keys.
Bob's mum who is a musician has lost her car keys.
Bob's mum, who is a musician, has lost her car keys. 
Without relative clause: Bob's mum has lost her car keys.
As usually everbody has only one mum, I need not define who exactly I am talking about.

My friend Jane moved to Canada.
My friend Jane whose husband is Canadian moved to Canada last week.
My friend Jane, whose husband is Canadian, moved to Canada last week. 
Without relative clause: My friend Jane moved to Canada last week.
The person is identified by her name, so I need not define who exactly I am talking about.

I am a shoe fanatic.
The shoes which I bought yesterday are very comfortable. 
Without relative clause: The shoes are very comfortable.
Being a shoe fanatic, I own lots of shoes. So I have to define which pair of shoes I am talking about.
The shoes, which I bought yesterday, are very comfortable.

Mr Robinson is very famous.
Mr Robinson whom I met at the trade fair is a famous inventor.
Mr Robinson, whom I met at the trade fair, is a famous inventor.
Without relative clause: Mr Robinson is a famous inventor.
The person is identified by his name, so I need not define who exactly I am talking about.

Tamara has two cats. Both of them are black.
Tamara's two cats which can play outside are black.
Tamara's two cats, which can play outside, are black.
Without relative clause: Tamara's two cats are black.
As Tamara has only two cats, I need not define which cats I am talking about.

Kevin has four cats. Two of them are black.
Kevin's two cats which are black can play outside.
Without relative clause: Kevin's two cats can play outside.
As Kevin has four cats, I must define which of the cats I am talking about.
Kevin's two cats, which are black, can play outside.

We are on holiday. Yesterday we visited a church.
The church which we visited yesterday is very old. 
Without relative clause: The church is very old.
As it could be any church, I must define which church I am talking about.
The church, which we visited yesterday, is very old.

We are on holiday. Yesterday we visited a church.
St. Mary's Church which we visited yesterday is very old.
St. Mary's Church, which we visited yesterday, is very old. 
Without relative clause: St. Mary's Church is very old.
The church is identified by its name, so I need not define which church I am talking about. 

B-2 bloques repaso unit 6

- 1º condicional (futuro)
- 1º condicional (verbo modal + infinitivo)
- 1º condicional (imperativo)
- 2º condicional
- 3º condicional
- unless
- although (concesivas - aunque)
- to + infinitivo (finalidad - mismo sujeto)
- so (that) / in order that (finalidad - mismo o distinto sujeto)
- such a / an + adjetivo + nombre contable singular
- such + adjetivo + nombre contable plural
- such + adjetivo + nombre incontable
- so + adjetivo/adverbio
- so much + nombre incontable
- so many + nombre contable plural

consecutive clauses

- such a / an + adjetivo + nombre contable singular
It is such a cheap book that I will buy it
es un libro tan barato que lo compraré

- such + adjetivo + nombre contable plural
They are such honest students that I will trust on them
son unos alumnos tan honestos que confiaré en ellos

- such + adjetivo + nombre incontable
It will be such good wine that we will all drink it
será un vino tan bueno que todos lo beberemos

- so + adjetivo/adverbio
The red car is so fast that I will buy it
el coche rojo es tan rápido que lo compraré

- so much + nombre incontable
There was so much noise that nobody heard me
había tanto ruido que nadie me oyó

- so many + nombre contable plural
There will be so many students who pass the final exam that I will not see them next year
Habrá tantos estudiantes que aprueben el examen final que no les veré el año que viene

clauses of purpose (finalidad)

- to + infinitivo (cuando es el mismo sujeto)

We went to your house to help you (es el mismo sujeto el que va a la casa y el que ayuda = we)
fuimos a tu casa para ayudarte

- so (that) / in order that + subordinada (mismo o distinto sujeto)

We went to your house so (that) / in order that you could help us
fuimos a tu casa para que pudieras ayudarnos

clauses of contrast (concesivas)

- Although / though / even though (más énfasis) you come, you will not see me
aunque vengas no me verás

- In spite of / despite (seguidas de nombre o gerundio) studying the last week, you will not pass
a pesar de estudiar la última semana, no aprobarás

Although she is an intelligent girl, she does not understand reported speech.
In spite of being an intelligent girl, she does not understand reported speech.
In spite of her intelligence, she does not understand reported speech.

unless - providing - provided (that) - as long as

- Unless you buy the tickets we will not go to the concert
a menos que compres / si no compras las entradas no iremos al concierto

- We will go to your house providing / provided (that) / as long as we listen to good music.
iremos a tu casa siempre y cuando escuchemos buena música.

repaso condicional - reported speech

Celso me preguntó: "¿aprobaré si estudio?"
Celso asked me: "will I pass if I study?"
Celso asked me if he would pass if he studied 

1º condicional.- will I pass if I study?
2º condicional.- would I pass if I studied?
3º condicional.- would I have passed if I had studied?

Nos dijeron: "¿cuándo vendréis a vernos si aprobáis inglés?"
They told us: "when will you come to see us if you pass English?"
They asked us when we would come to see them if we passed English.

1º condicional.-when will  you come to see us if you pass English?
2º condicional.- when would you come to see us if you passed English?
3º condicional.- when would you have come to see us if you had passed English?

B-1 exam unit 6 - 3

1º Condicional (3 posibilidades)

- If you go to London this summer ... you will visit Big Ben.
(con futuro simple = "will + verbo en infinitivo". "visitarás el Big Ben") 
- If you go to London this summer ... you can visit Big Ben.
(con un verbo modal -can- + verbo en infinitivo. "puedes visitar el Big Ben") 

- If you go to London this summer ... visit Big Ben.
(con un imperativo "visita el Big Ben")

B-1 exam unit 6 - 5

5.- Traduce las siguientes frases

- Nuestra sobrina estudia Inglés con vuestros vecinos
 Our niece studies English with your neighbours

- Le doy el libro a Arantza. Se lo doy
 I give the book to Arantza. I give her it. / I give it to her

- Se las veis a ellos
You see them them. / You see them to them

- Os la vendo
I sell you it. / I sell it to you

- Ella nos lo trajo
She brought us it / She brought it to us
- Te las compraré
I will buy you them / I will buy them to you

B-1 exam unit 6 - 1

1.- Traduce poniendo en los 3 tipos de condicional

- Aprobarás si estudias
- You will pass if you study
- You would pass if you studied
- You would have passed if you had studied

- Si tienes prisa correrás
- If you are in a hurry you will run
- If you were in a hurry you would run
- If you had been in a hurry you would have run

- Si llueve no iremos a Bermeo
- If it rains we will not go to Bermeo
- If it rained we would not go to Bermeo
- If it had rained we would not have gone to Bermeo

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

condicionales ejemplo de clase

1º condicional
If you are in a hurry you will run

2º condicional
If you were in a hurry you would run

3º condicional
If you had been in a hurry you would have run

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

condicional + estilo indirecto + pasiva

Ellos nos dijeron: " si nos las rompéis debéis comprar más".

(estilo directo) They said to us: "if you break them to us you must buy more".
(estilo indirecto) They told us that if we broke them  to them we had to buy more

(voz pasiva) We were told by them that if they were broken to them by us, more had to be bought by us.

to be in a hurry

to be in a hurry = tener prisa
(lo que se conjuga es el verbo to be)

Are you in a hurry? = ¿tienes prisa?
Why were you in a hurry yesterday? = ¿Por qué tenías prisa ayer?
Why will you be in a hurry tomorrow? = ¿Por qué tendrás prisa mañana?

condicional - unless

unless = if ... not

Si no estudias no aprobarás

If you do not study you will not pass

Unless you study you will not pass

condicional 1º tipo

1º condicional

condición                                       consecuencia

If + presente simple...                - will + V (infinitivo)
                                                     - V modal + V (infinitivo)
                                                     - imperativo

Si quieres aprobar...                - estudiarás mucho
                                                   - debes estudiar
                                                   - estudia

If you want to pass... you will study a lot
                                ... you must study
                                ... study.

pronombre personal función objeto

(singular) me, you, him / her / it
(plural) us, you, them

I give Arantza the book (the book to Arantza) = le doy el libro a Arantza
I give   her            it         (   it          to    her) = se lo doy

- You see them them (them to them) = se las veis
- I sell you it (it to you) = os la vendo
- She brought us it (it to us) = nos lo trajo
- I will buy you them (them to you) = te las compraré

frases condicionales

1) If you see the car I will go out

2) If you saw the car I would go out

3) If you had seen the car I would have gone out

1) If you go you will die

2) If you went you would die

3) If you had gone you would have died

1) You will drive if I come

2) You would drive if I came

3) You would have driven If I had come


Esquema condicionales

1º.- IF + PRESENTE SIMPLE    >>>  WILL + V (infinitivo)

2º.- IF + PASADO SIMPLE         >>>  WOULD + V (infinitivo)

3º.- IF + PASADO PERFECTO  >>>  WOULD HAVE + V (participio)