oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

examen fin 2ª evaluación - lo que entra

1) ejercicio sobre voz pasiva. Frases en Spanish, traducir a English, utilizando: pasiva, pasiva con dos objetos, otras estructuras pasivas con verbos como say, think, believe, know... y estructuras pasivas "have/get + objeto + participio".

2) ejercicio sobre defining non-defining. Frases en Spanish, traducir a English, inidicando si son defining o non-defining, omitiendo el pronombre relativo donde sea posible.

3) ejercicio sobre exclamaciones: what y how y estructuras con such y so. Traducir las frases de Spanish a English.

4) ejercicio de tiempos verbales. Repaso a las unidades 1 y 2. Escribir una/s frase/s en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en los siguientes tiempos verbales:

  • presente simple: I eat = como
  • presente continuo: I am eating = estoy comiendo
  • pasado simple: I ate = comí / comía
  • pasado continuo: I was eating = estaba comiendo
  • presente perfecto: I have eaten = he comido
  • presente perfecto continuo: I have been eating = he estado comiendo
  • pasado perfecto: I had eaten = había comido
  • pasado perfecto continuo: I had been eating = había estado comiendo
  • futuro-will: I will eat = comeré
  • futuro-be going to: I am going to eat = voy a comer
  • futuro continuo: I will be eating = estaré comiendo
  • futuro perfecto: I will have eaten = habré comido

repaso para examen - exclamaciones

Traduce las siguientes exclamaciones

- ¡Qué dificil es esto!
How difficult this is!

- ¡Qué mes tan corto!
What a short month!
- Eres tan afortunada que no te das cuenta.
You are so lucky that you do not notice.

- Eres una chica tan afortunada que no te das cuenta.
You are such a lucky girl that you do not notice.

repaso para examen - defining non-defining

Traducir las frases indicando si son defining o non-defining y omitiendo el pronombre relativo donde sea posible

- Mi amigo tiene mucho dinero. Mi amigo que es rico es infeliz
My friend has got a lot of money. My friend, who is rich, is unhappy. (non-defining)

- Eider tiene cuatro pájaros negros. Los pájaros de Eider que son negros son caros.
Eider has got four black birds. The birds of Eider (Eider's birds), which are black, are expensive. (non-defining)

-Ayer visitamos una iglesia. (esta primera parte ha creado muchas dudas, referente al contexto, se sustituye por otro inicio.
Estamos de vacaciones. La iglesia que visitamos ayer es muy vieja.
We are on holiday. The church we visited yesterday is very old. (defining) (pronombre which omitido porque funciona como objeto).

repaso para examen - pasivas

Traducir de varias formas las siguientes frases tanto en activa como en pasiva

- A mi hermana le cortan el pelo aquí.
My sister has her hair cut here
They cut the hair to my sister here

- Nos dieron un regalo
They gave us a present
We were given a present by them
A present was given to us by them

- Se cree que éste será el examen
It is believed that this will be the exam
They believe that this will be the exam
This is believed to be the exam

- Nos robaron ayer el dinero
They stole us the money yesterday
The money was stolen to us yesterday (by them)
We were stolen the money yesterday (by them)

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

repaso tiempos verbales

Yo duermo

presente simple = yo duermo
+  I sleep
-   I do not sleep
?  Do I sleep?

presente continuo = yo estoy durmiendo
+  I am sleeping
-   I am not sleeping
?  Am I sleeping?

futuro simple = yo dormiré
+  I will sleep
-   I will not sleep
?  Will I sleep?

pasado simple = yo dormí / dormía
+  I slept
-   I did not sleep
?  Did I sleep?

presente perfecto = yo he dormido
+  I have slept
-   I have not slept
?  Have I slept?

presente perfecto continuo = yo he estado durmiendo
+  I have been sleeping
-   I have not been sleeping
?  Have I been sleeping?

defining non-defining más frases

- Los estudiantes que han estado trabajando duro aprobarán.

The students who have been working hard will pass.
(defining).- Aprobarán sólo los estudiantes que han trabajado duro.

The students, who have been working hard, will pass.
(non defining).- Aprobarán todos los estudiantes y, además digo que han estado trabajando duro todos ellos.

- El chico que ha traducido el texto no vendrá a clase.

The boy who has translated the text will not come to class.
(defining).- Especifico que quien no vendrá a clase es el chico que ha traducido el texto.

The boy, who has translated the text, will not come to class.
(non-defining).- Hablo de un chico que no vendrá a clase y, además explico que ha traducido el texto.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Translation unit 4

- Alex fue al hospital donde trabaja su madre
Alex went to the hospital where his mother works

- ¿Has visto las medicinas que compré ayer?
Have you seen the medicines I bought yesterday?

- Japón es un país en el que comen mucho pescado crudo
Japan is a country where they eat a lot of raw fish

repaso tiempos verbales

present simple
Do you read a book? (¿lees un libro?)

present continuous
Are you reading a book? (¿estás leyendo un libro?)

Will you read a book? (¿leerás un libro?)

past simple
Did you read a book? (¿leíste/leías un libro?)

present perfect
Have you read a book? (¿has leído un libro?)

Repaso "tenses"

"Nadie les dice la verdad"
present simple
Nobody tells them the truth
present continuous
Nobody is telling them the truth
Nobody will tell them the truth
past simple
Nobody told them the truth
present perfect
Nobody has told them the truth

loving sentences

Does anybody love you like I do?

Nobody loves you like I do
Nobody is loving you like I am
Nobody will love you like I will
Nobody loved you like I did
Nobody has loved you like I have

Voz pasiva doble objeto - ejercicios (2)

"Ellos ofrecen un buen servicio a la comunidad"
present simple
- They offer the community a good service.
The community is offered a good service by them.
A good service is offered to the community by them.

"Ellos están ofreciendo un buen servicio a la comunidad"
present continuous

- They are offering the community a good service.
The community is being offered a good service by them.
A good service is being offered to the community by them.

"Ellos ofrecerán un buen servicio a la comunidad"
futuro simple

- They will offer the community a good service.
The community will be offered a good service by them.
A good service will be offered to the community by them.

"Ellos ofrecieron/ofrecían un buen servicio a la comunidad"
past simple

- They offered the community a good service.
The community was offered a good service by them.
A good service was offered to the community by them.

"Ellos han ofrecido un buen servicio a la comunidad"
present perfect

- They have offered the community a good service.
The community has been offered a good service by them.
A good service has been offered to the community by them.

Widening competences - George Orwell

"Who controls the past, controls the future
Who controls the present, controls the past"

Passive voice - double object

present simple
- I send you a letter. (Te envío una carta)
A letter is sent to you by me.
You are sent a letter by me.

present continuous
- I am sending you a letter. (te estoy enviando una carta)
A letter is being sent to you by me.
You are being sent a letter by me.

- I will send you a letter. (te enviaré una carta)
A letter will be sent to you by me.
You will be sent a letter by me.

past simple
- I sent you a letter. (te envié/enviaba una carta)
A letter will be sent to you by me.
You will be sent a letter by me.

present perfect
- I have sent you a letter. (te he enviado una carta)
A letter has been sent to you by me.
You have been sent a letter by me.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

defining / non-defining - elegir frases

I have three brothers.
My brother, who lives in Sidney, came to see me last month. (non-defining) 
My brother who lives in Sidney came to see me last month. (defining)
(mi hermano me visitó el mes pasado. Como tengo más de un hermano, debo especificar de qué hermano estoy hablando).

I have one sister.
My sister who is 25 years old spent her holiday in France. (defining)
My sister, who is 25 years old, spent her holiday in France. (non-defining)
(Mi hermana pasó sus vacaciones en Francia. Como sólo tengo una hermana, no necesito definir de qué hermana estoy hablando). 

Tamara has two cats. Both of them are black.
Tamara's two cats which can play outside are black. (defining)
Tamara's two cats, which can play outside, are black. (non-defining)
(Los dos gatos de Tamara son negros. Como Tamara tiene sólo dos gatos, no necesito definir de qué gatos estoy hablando).

Kevin has four cats. Two of them are black.
Kevin's two cats, which are black, can play outside. (non-defining)
Kevin's two cats which are black can play outside. (defining)
(como Kevin tiene cuatro gatos, debo definir a qué dos gatos me estoy refiriendo).

reported questions - más frases

- Saioa said to me: "Did you study?"
Saioa asked me if I had studied.

- Edurne told me: "What did you study?"
Edurne asked me what I had studied.

- Andrea asked me: "When did you study?"
Andrea asked me when I had studied.

- He asked me: "Why do you study?"
He asked me why I studied.

She asked me: "Where are you going?"
She asked me where I was going.

They asked me: "How will you travel?"
They asked me how I would travel.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

bla, bla, bla...


only those who are able to distinguish between
when to speak and when to be quiet
... will be listened and appreciated

only those who are able
to listen to others
... will be able to learn new things 

only those who know what to do in each different situation
... will be competent

ejercicios voz pasiva (1)

- Él apuesta mucho dinero
A- He bets a lot of money
P- A lot of money is bet by him

- El perro mordió la pelota
A- The dog bit the ball
P- The ball was bitten by the dog

- Mi amiga responderá a la pregunta
A- My friend will answer the question
P- The question will be answered by my friend

- Hemos comprado vuestros libros
A- We have bought your books
P- Your books have been bought by us

- ¿Estás cortando el papel?
A- Are you cutting the paper?
P- Is the paper being cut by you?

- No habían bebido alcohol.
A- They had not drunk alcohol.
P- Alcohol had not been drunk by them.

He estado limpiando todas las mesas
A- I have been cleaning all the tables
P- All the tables have been being cleaned by me.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Reported Commands

- en las órdenes indirectas (reported commands) afirmativas se pone TO antes del verbo
(directo) He said to him: "go out"
(indirecto) He told him TO go out

- en las órdenes indirectas
negativas se pone NOT TO  antes del verbo
(directo) He said to him: "Don't go out"
(indirecto) He told him NOT TO go out

En el verbo principal
no hay más cambios, respecto al tiempo verbal (tense), cosa que sí ocurre en las declarativas e interrogativas.

Reported Questions

- Hay 2 tipos: Wh- questions y Yes / No questions

 Wh- questions: en las indirectas, después del verbo introductorio se pone el pronombre interrogativo (what, when, etc) + sujeto + verbo (no lleva ? )
(directo) He said to me: " What are you doing?"
(indirecto) He asked me what I was doing.

Yes / No questions: en las indirectas, después del verbo introductorio se pone if (o whether) + sujeto + verbo (no lleva ?
(directo) He said to me: " Are you happy?"
(indirecto) He asked me if I was happy.
 * los cambios de los tiempos verbales son iguales que en las declarativas (statements)
** en las interrogativas indirectas el orden de las palabras es como en las oraciones declarativas y no como en las preguntas. Por tanto, después del wh- question o el if se pone el sujeto y después el verbo
*** las interrogativas indirectas no llevan signo de interrogación al final
**** aunque en las directas el verbo introductor sea  said o told, en indirecto se pone asked o asked + (me, you, etc)

Reported Speech - statements

- He said: " He likes sport".
He said he liked sport

- He said: "I was in London".
He said he had been in London.

- I said to you: "You have been noisy".
I told you you had been noisy

- He told me: "I am studying".
He told me he was studying.

Reported Speech (2) verbo introductor

Cuando el verbo introductor va seguido de objeto de persona se puede emplear "say to" o "tell"

He said to me: "...   (él me dijo)
He told me: "...   (él me dijo)

sería incorrecto:

- He said me: "...
- He told: "...
- He told to me: "...

aunque es correcto utilizar sólo el verbo "say", sin aparecer el objeto de persona:

- He said: "...   (él dijo)

* en el estilo indirecto se utiliza "told" y no "said" cuando hay objeto de persona:

He told me that he...
He said to me that he...

Reported Speech (1)

Reported Speech (estilo indirecto).- Para decir lo que otro ha dicho, sin usar las palabras exactas que usó.

Direct Speech (estilo directo).- He says:" I am hungry".
Reported Speech (estilo indirecto).- He says he is hungry.

Si el verbo introductor del estilo indirecto (he says) está en pasado (he said) se producen cambios en los tiempos verbales de la frase que se dijo.

Presente simple --- Pasado simple
Presente continuo --- Pasado continuo
Presente perfecto --- Pasado perfecto
Pasado simple --- Pasado perfecto

Can --- could
Will --- would
Must / have to --- had to
May --- Might

Defining - Non-defining - (3)

- Íñigo tiene 2 perros blancos y 4 negros. Los perros de Íñigo que son negros son rápidos.
(defining). Íñigo tiene perros de más de un color. Me refiero sólo a los que son negros, ésos son rápidos
Íñigo's dogs which are black are fast.

- Íñigo tiene 6 perros negros. Los perros de Íñigo, que son negros, son rápidos.
(non-defining). Los perros de Íñigo son rápidos (todos) y además digo que son negros.
Íñigo's dogs, which are black, are fast.

Defining - Non-defining más ejemplos de clase

- Las cajas que son viejas son para tí.
(defining) Son para tí sólo las cajas que son viejas. Hay otras cajas que no son viejas.
The boxes which are old are for you.
El which se puede sustituir por that pero no se puede omitir porque funciona como sujeto. Si funcionara como objeto sí se podría omitir.

- Las cajas, que son viejas, son para tí.
(non-defining) Todas las cajas son para tí y, además, digo que son viejas (todas).
The boxes, which are old, are for you.
El which no se puede sustituir por that y nunca se puede omitir. La frase de relativo va entre comas.

Defining - Non Defining - ejemplos de clase

- El chico que come manzanas aprobará
(defining) The boy who eats apples will pass.
Se puede sustituir who por that, pero no se puede omitir porque la función es sujeto. Si fuera objeto sí se podría omitir.

- Los chicos que juegan al fútbol vendrán con nosotras.
(defining) - Vendrán con nosotras sólo los chicos que juegan al fútbol. Los que no juegan no vendrán.
The boys who play football will come with us.

- Los chicos, que juegan al fútbol, vendrán con nosotras.
(non defining) - Vendrán con nosotras todos los chicos. Y además está la información de que todos ellos juegan al fútbol.
The boys, who play football, will come with us.

Question Tags - ejemplos

1              You're Australian, aren't you?
2              You aren't English, are you?
3              Marlene smokes, doesn't she?
4              Sharks don't like chicken, do they?
5              Moles can't see, can they?
6              You'll be there, won't you?
7              David won't come, will he?
8              Bob's got two cats, hasn't he?
9              You and I are going to the party, aren't we?
10          Let's go out, shall we?
11          Shut up, will you?
12          Maggie failed, didn't she?
13          Clive missed his flight, didn't he?
14          We've already seen that movie, haven't we?
15          Annie wouldn't say no, would she?

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3 - (8)

8) Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 We’ve known Angela for five years.
2 Have you seen them since you left school?
3 I’ve met a lot of people since I joined the youth club.
4 He’s only had a car for two months.
5 What have you been up to since I last saw you?

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3 - (7)

7) Complete the sentences using the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 We found (find) the magazine we lost last week.
2 He has been working (work) on his essay for two days, and he still hasn’t finished.
3 I have already sent (already /send) those letters.
4 It  has been raining (rain) all day long. I hope it stops soon.
5 Paul has lived (live) in Canada since he was born.

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3 - (5)

5) Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or past simple.

1 Have you finished (you / finish) your homework yet, Sam?
2 My sister went (go) to a camp in the USA last summer.
3 She has lived (live) in that house all her life.
4 Where did you find (find) those trousers? They look really cool.
5 I haven’t visited (not visit) that website yet, but it could be useful.

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3 - (6)

6) Complete the sentences with the following words: already - yet – since – for

1 Where has he been living since he lost his job?
2 The children have already had five exams this week.
3 He has only had that iPod for two weeks but it doesn’t work now.
4 We haven’t started reading the play yet

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3 - (4)

4) Choose the correct option (CIRCLE IT).                                                

1 Olivia has sung with a band since she was a teenager.
a) sang   b) has sung
2 We have been to the USA on holiday three times. 
 a) went   b) have been
3 I haven’t finished the book you gave me yet.
a) didn’t  finish b) haven’t finished.
4 Look at the time! Where have you been?
a) were you       b) have you been
5 We haven’t seen a good film for ages.
a) didn’t  see      b) haven’t seen
6 Are you still here? You’ll be late for school.
a) still         b) ever                c) yet
7 I’ve just seen Simon. He’s looking for you.
a) yet           b) ever               c) just
8 Have you finished already? That was quick!
a) yet             b) already       c) still
9 Haven’t you finished your homework yet? Why is it taking so long?
a) yet   b) just  c) already
10 Have you ever been to London?
a) still   b) ever c) yet

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3 - (3)

3) Translate the following sentences:

1 ¿Alguna vez has viajado a Londres?
Have you ever travelled to London?
2  ¿Has estado durmiendo toda la mañana?
Have you been sleeping the whole morning?
3 ¿Has terminado ya de leer el libro de lengua?
Have you finished reading the language book yet?
4  Ya he leído ese libro.
I have already read that book
5  Todavía te quiero porque no he podido olvidarte.
I still love you because I have not been able to forget you
6  Llevamos diez minutos esperándote
We have been waiting for you for ten minutes
7 Acabo de lavarme los dientes.
I have just cleaned my teeth
8 ¿Habéis estado moviendo las mesas?
Have you been moving the tables?

exam 1º bachillerato - unit 3- (2)

2) Complete the table with adjectives (+ translation) and the corresponding nouns (+ translation).

brevedad / falta de / lo corto