- Lina paga la factura al fontanero (plumber)
activa = Lina
pays the bill to the plumber
pasiva = The
plumber is paid the bill by Lina
pasiva = The bill is paid to the plumber by Lina
Salwa está
escribiendo una carta a su novio
Salwa is
writing a letter to her boyfriend
A letter is
being written to her boyfriend by Salwa
Her boyfriend
is being written a letter by Salwa
- Ane me
comprará manzanas
Ane will buy
me apples
Apples will be
bought to me by Ane
I will be
bought apples by Ane
- ayer compré
un bolso a mi madre
yesterday I bought a handbag to my mother(mum) / Yesterday I bought my mother a
yesterday a handbag was bought to my mother by me / yesterday my mother was
bought a handbag by me