oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014


2) completa los huecos poniendo el verbo en el tiempo correspondiente

1.- If you … (kill) him, you would go to prison. =
2.- Where you … (go) if they paid you the tickets? =
3.- kevin and his friends will see me in the future unless they… (study) hard. =
4.- a red-hot poker … (burn)  you if you had held it too long. =
5.- I would have studied English literature if my level of English … (be) better. =
6.- If I … (be)  you, I would read more often. =
7.- you… (make) so many mistakes if you were not so impulsive. =
8.- If the door… (not be) locked she would have been able to get in. =
9.- If Alice had not eaten the poisonous mushrooms she… (not become) ill. =
10.- If the bus… (not break) down we will not arrive late = 

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