oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

repaso reported speech - FRASES - órdenes / imperativas

* si tienes dudas, contacta.
  •  "Shut up, everybody!" said the teacher.
  •  "Open the window, Robert," said Jane.
  •  "Phone your granny," she told him.
  •  "Don't be late," she warned him.
  •  "Don't talk to strangers, Michael," said his mother.
  •  "Don't listen to a word he says," she told me.
  •  "Clare, help me clean up the kitchen," said Tony.
  •  "Fiona, get out of my way," said Alastair.
  •  "Boys! Stay away from the dog when he's eating," said Dad.
  •  "Minnie, don't scratch the sofa," said Bob.
  •  "Carla, don't pick your nose in class," said the teacher.
  •  "Look after your sister," said my father.
  •  "Break a leg, Oliver," said the actor.
  •  "Lionel, eat your meat," said Elsa.